Automated Drain and Condensate Pan Maintenance. 


Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm


Solutions for Automated Condensate Monitoring and Maintenance  

Fixes Chronic clogging of Condensate drain pipe


US Patents : 7,857,004B2,  8,646,474B2 & 9,372,036B2

The Difference is:

A Professional Solution installed by professionals.

No batteries, no subscription ,  1 gallon tank  that last through maintenance cycle,  strong pump that get in to the system where the problem starts, the original solution developed and formulated for sub-tropical  Florida and other problem areas.


AC MAX Tech uses advanced smart technology to address the importance of regular drain and pan maintenance. Utilizing smart technology AC Max provides constant and continual maintenance and monitoring to keep your HVAC systems clean and free of clogs that can cause mold mildew bacteria and water damage.

We address issues that cause 80% of most service calls. AC MAX TECH  provides peace of mind for remote ownership  using smart technology. 


Our first mission is to provide the business or home owner with peace of mind. Our system provides continuous maintenance using smart technology.  Continuous maintenance assures your AC unit will stay clean, eliminating drain clog and killing bacteria, mold and mildew that can build when not maintained on a continuous basis.  



Our system is based on multiple field studies that show  a drastic reduction in field calls do to condensate clogging or back up .  ACMAXTECH saves time and money, keeping your system up and running for more hours . 


Using our environmentally safe Chemical mixture to not allow bacteria to adhere will keep your entire condensate system cleaner. Our condensate solution is formulated to be effective, economical and environmentally-sound solution for powerful cleaning the biodegradable formula easily removes mold, algae and bacteria without the use of caustic chemicals.

The problem up close

Why is continuous maintenance is important?

Many owners tend to put off regular maintenance producing the results below.

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Negelected Maintenance

This is the type of build up that occurs when a drain and pan are not maintained.  Simply adding algae , vinegar or  other non-recommended cleaning

agent once in a while is not sufficient to keep the pan and drain clear.

Problem solving

The Solution - DP1019

Automated distribution of our cleaner over a consistent time will solve your AC maintenance headache. 

This one minute video highlight the advantage of continuous distribution over a one time additive. 

Cleaning drain line alone doesn't get bacteria in the pan. Circled in red.

This was taken 60 days later after running ACMAXTECH System, 

Real life side by side dual systems at same location.

Top Picture with ACMAXTECH

These pics were submitted by one of our valued dealers.  A customer with dual systems one with ACMAXTECH and the Other with out.  The contents of the vacuum tell the story.

What is Biofilm? The slime that haunts some mechanical systems

A biofilm is any group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and can adhere to a surface. These cells are frequently embedded within a self-produced matrix. Biofilm extracellular polymeric substance, which is also referred to as a slime, is a conglomeration composed of extracellular DNA, proteins, and polysaccharides. Biofilms may form on non-living surfaces (not just living) and can be prevalent in industrial and hospital environments as well as in nature.

Formation of a biofilm begins when free-floating microorganisms attach to a surface.  If these first colonists are not immediately separated from the surface, they can anchor themselves more permanently using cell adhesion

HVAC and Biofilm

The condenser coil in an HVAC system is does the important job of cooling the warm air drawn in by the fan before it is then redispersed through the filtration system back into the environment. In the process of doing this, moisture can build up and collect particulate matter which over time develops into what is known as “biofilm.”

Slime Growth

Some species are not able to attach to a surface on their own but are instead able to anchor themselves to the matrix or directly to earlier colonists.  Once colonized, the biofilm grows through a combination of cell division and recruitment.

When a biofilm is established, it may only change in shape and size.  During this final phase, dispersion enables biofilms to spread and colonize new surfaces. Dispersed cells are found to be highly virulent. They can be irritants or the source of infections, some even deadly (like Legionella pneumophila, the organism responsible for Legionnaire’s disease).

Biofilms are usually found on solid surfaces submerged in or exposed to an aqueous solution, although they can form as floating mats on liquid surfaces and also on the surface of leaves, particularly in high humidity climates. Given sufficient resources for growth, a biofilm will quickly grow to be visible to the naked eye. Biofilms can contain many different types of microorganisms, e.g. bacteria, archaea, protozoa, fungi and algae; each group performs specialized metabolic functions.

Bacteria living in a biofilm usually have significantly different properties from free-floating bacteria of the same species, as the dense and protected environment of the film allows them to cooperate and interact in various ways. This can mean increased resistance to detergents and antibiotics, as the dense extracellular matrix and the outer layer of cells protect the interior of the community.

Biofilms can grow in many moist and warm environments and on virtually every non-shedding wet surface. Biofilms in cooling or heating water systems have been known to reduce heat transfer. The buildup of biofilms can affect the heat flow across a surface and increase surface corrosion.

Within an HVAC system, the most likely locations for biofilms to develop include the air conditioning coils and the condensate pans.  While some EPA registered antimicrobials can be applied in these locations, established biofilms can disperse infectious airborne particles throughout the HVAC system, and they are more difficult to remove.  It’s important to attack them early, while detergents are still effective, and before more corrosive cleaning agents are required that may harm the aluminum fins of the coils.  While some contractors will recommend the installation of UVC lights to destroy these microorganisms, this method can be costly and not necessarily effective in all environments, as it’s reactive rather than proactive.  Others may go so far as applying a sanitizer, but the EPA has no registered antimicrobial products for application to ductwork, and they allow them only on specific locations like the coils and pans themselves. The key is in preventative maintenance .

Formulated for the Sub tropical coastal bio-mass

ACMAXTECH was the first to fix the problem.  Using a specific formulation to solve the slime issue.

What  is Zooglea?

zo·o·gloe·a also zo·o·gle·a  (zō′ə-glē′ə)

1. Any of various highly motile, aerobic bacteria of the genus Zoogloea found especially in wastewater, where the cells aggregate into flocculent, gelatinous masses.

2. A mass of such bacteria or other bacteria.  

Why be concerned about Zooglea? Biofilm

Zooglea can make clog condensation lines, sump pumps and condensate pumps. If these pumps clog then the water they are designed to remove from your basement, crawl space and HVAC system can back up and flood your home. This can also raise the humidity and may potentially create a mold problem in the area it is flooding.  

The air you breath passes across the pan and coil that the bacteria grows on.

Prevent AC Related Flooding

When HVAC are located in the attic space or basement Improper maintenance of sump pumps, dehumidifiers, condensation pumps and drain lines may destroy your space..  The best way to prevent flooding and water damage  due to AC condensation from clogged condensation pans is to perform routine maintenance. HVAC contractors can do this annually or bi-annually during their service visits to the HVAC condensation pumps but the growth still occurs and then must be cleaned out.  Automation and continual cleaning and maintenance is the best answer.  AC MAX Tech provide the automated unit to deal with the issue at the source the pan and keeps the drain line clear.

You Don't want any part of this.

Clogged condensate after 3 months

What are Surfactants and how do they work?

in these locations, established biofilms can disperse infectious airborne particles throughout the HVAC system, and they are more difficult to remove. In order to ectively combat these problems, using a proprietary probiotic surfactant cleaning solution is one of your best options.

Surfactants are the most versatile products of the chemical industry and are utilized in every industrial area ranging from household detergents to food items and pharmaceuticals. The term surfactant is an amalgamation of the words “surface active agent.” Simply put, they are special molecules that will cause a decrease in surface or interfacial tension and allow the biofilm to detach from the non-shedding surface.

Because of their amphiphilic nature, surfactants absorb at the air-water or oil-water interaction. As they interact, surfactants align themselves so that the hydrophobic part is in the air (or oil) and hydrophilic part in water. For simplicity, let’s consider only the air-water interaction. The cohesive forces between the water molecules are very strong making the surface tension of water high. As surfactants absorb, they break these interactions. The intermolecular forces between surfactant and water molecule are much lower than between two water molecules and thus surface tension will decrease, allowing the biofilm to be removed.

Danger of Buildup

HVAC System

Biofilm buildup can be very dangerous and problematic for the general health of your building’s occupants. Formation of a biofilm begins when free-floating microorganisms attach to a surface, such as when hot air is cooled over a condenser coil. Once colonized, the biofilm grows through a combination of cell division and recruitment.

They can be irritants or the source of infections, some even deadly (like Legionella pneumophila, the organism responsible for Legionnaires disease). The CDC estimates that almost 100,000 Americans die every year from hospital acquired infections and at least one-third of hospital infection threats are due to airborne microorganisms.

The biofilm that builds up can give off products of metabolism known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds can produce an array of negative molecules released into the air that ma of HVAC systems are known opportunistic organisms causing infections and upper respiratory problems. They range in effects on from irritation, such as watery eyes and headaches, to more severe allergy and asthma response.

And, within that biofilm, some of the organisms that have been identified as growing on the coil and drain pans

ACMAXTECH utilizes chemical surfactant 

BY releasing a non toxic surfactant mix  combined with a gentle anti microbial agent the biofilm can not stick to the HVAC surfaces and is washed out of the system.  Are unit releases the mixture on an automated shedule to keep you HVAC system clean.

New to Florida?

All HVAC systems will grow a form of this biofilm. Some severe that can block drains and cause outage, others less  that can be addressed at 6 month Maintenance. Either way the ACMAZTECH system will keep the inside of your HAVAC system clear of biofilm and zoogleal buildup. 

Manufactures Warranty

Acmaxtech -STANDS BEHIND OUR PRODUCT -  We offer a two year warranty on parts related to our original unit  and defects in material or workmanship.  If you feel your unit is not working correctly please contact your dealer.  Our warrany does not include labor to replace a defective unit.

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ACMAXTECH is professionally installed.

Call us for a recommended installer in your area. 

HVAC Dealer inquiries welcome. 

(239) 676-0786

Installation Example

Typical install location